Greg da Silva
Holy Rosary Debs Ball 2016
If you would like to order images please contact Kim on kim@photoman.co.za.
Well done to the ladies who made top 10 of the 2016 Debs Programme.
Queen: Kiara Janse van Rensburg
1st Princess: Daniella Ribeiro
2nd Princess: Federica Giuricich
4. Carli Dunmow
5. Nadia Tozzi
6. Tina Estrela
7. Megan Bertasso
8. Hannah Koen
9. Cassidy Dunn
10. Micaela da Silva
Spirit of the Debs: Chiara Hoskin
Market Day award: Lara Irons
Motto (Decide Commit Succeed): Melissa Rattray
Outreach award: Kiara Jansen van Rensburg
Most raffle books sold (230): Daniella Ribeiro
Do you have any of the wall outside the venue photos – or where we can look at them to see which ones we would like .